adinit.exe | Initialize SCSI disks for Osprey ASPIDISK access Version 1.00 |
diskit.exe | Break DOS installation files onto multiple diskettes |
fdb0.exe | FDB0 will create a bootable DB0 image and configuration file from a .SV file. |
fdiskimg.exe | Makes disk images from diskettes, or vice versa. |
fformat.exe | Formats RX50 style floppies. |
fgrep.exe | search within files |
filcom.exe | Filcom will compare two or more files for differences. |
finit.exe | Finit will delete all files and directories from a floppy in either drive A: or drive B:. |
finstall.exe | finstall creates an installation module. |
fixstat.exe | FixStat will display the statistics as compiled by FixWatch. |
fixwatch.exe | DOS TSR to record disk activity. |
fmen1403.exe | Batch file menu system creator. |
fmode.exe | DOS utility to set COM1-COM4 to any specified baud rate. |
fsetup.exe | DOS utility to preserve and verify CMOS setup information. |
fsxfer.exe | Fsxfer is a DOS serial line transfer program. |
ftestpc.exe | DOS utility to check various parts of a system. |
mimepkg.exe | Command line MIME encoding / decoding. |
pkz204g.exe | Shareware PKZip version 2.04g |
rdosfsxf.exe | RDOS filetape for FSXFER |
smxiii.exe | Strobe Mux III software. |
tar.exe | Command line TAR package | | Command line UU encoding / decoding. |
which.exe | Utility to locate files in the path. |